Convert intermediate representations into target binary code through use of a conversion database. 通过使用一个转换数据库将中介表示转换为目标二进制表。
The script uses these intermediate files to monitor the conversion process and capture potential debugging information if problems arise. 此脚本使用这些中间文件来监视转换过程并在出现问题时获取潜在的调试信息。
The major difference between these two power generators is that the chemical energy of the fuel cell is converted directly to electrical power without intermediate conversion first to heat. 主要的区别在于,燃料电池的化学能量能直接转化成电能而不需要先转化成热能。
The MoPO/ SiO_2 catalyst exhibited high selectivity for propene, which was a possible intermediate for the formation of acrolein. The addition of Te to the catalyst enhanced the conversion of propene to acrolein. MoPO/SiO2催化剂对丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛反应的中间产物丙烯选择性较高,而Te的添加促进了丙烯向丙烯醛的转化。
Now, the intermediate test and conversion study of auxiliary heating container type biogas engineering technology is running successfully. 现在,辅热集箱式沼气工程的中试转化正在顺利进行。
Chemical Trapping of Formyl Intermediate in Syngas Conversion to Ethanol over Rhodium-Based Catalysts 铑催化合成气转化为乙醇反应中甲酰基中间体的化学捕获
The control of high voltage in DEXA is one of a high voltage of intermediate frequency ( 20kHz) that uses serial communication of computer and Intel SCM 98 system. It uses 10 bit analog digital and 10 bit digital analog conversion devices. 双能X射线骨密度仪中的高压控制是利用计算机串口通信,通过8098单片机系统对中频高压系统(20kHz)进行控制,使用了10位模数-数模转换装置。
XML is used to represent intermediate data and mapping rules in the new algorithm for relation model data conversion. Data conversion based on XML is applied in assaying and measuring data conversion, overcome the shortage of straightforward conversion, accomplish the conversion commendably. 基于XML的关系模型数据转换算法,应用在分析检测数据多系统数据库中的转换,克服了原有直接转换的低效、编码复杂的缺点,很好地完成了数据转换任务。
A Digital Down Converter ( DDC) converts an intermediate frequency ( IF) band signal into a baseband signal by using a mixer in the digital region and a low-pass decimation filter which can extract one signal channel from the received after the analog-to-digital conversion. 数字下变频的主要目的是经过数字混频将A/D转换输出中频信号搬移至基带,然后通过抽取,滤波完成信道提取的任务。
Secondly, this paper attempts to explore the organizational justice and job performance relationship can exist between the intermediate conversion mechanism factors, this, settings, and organizational citizenship behaviors examined the role of intermediate variable assumptions. 其次,本文试图探寻组织公平与工作绩效之间关系得以存在的中间转换机制因素,为此,设定和检验了组织公民行为中间变量的作用假设。
Therefore, by using EOO as the intermediate format and conversion with Label Point, a new method is proposed in this paper, which can realize both the integrity and the accuracy of the topology and properties. 2. 本文采用将E00作为中间格式并进行Label点合并的方法,可以保证拓扑关系与属性信息的同时正确与完整。
The thesis proposes the conversion scheme. The conversion model takes MathML as the intermediate format. The automatic conversion algorithm is based on XSL templates. 本文首先提出转换方案,即设计了以MathML为中间格式的转换模型,并描述了基于模板的自动转换算法。
In order to solve the question that XML document was too big, the intermediate result was divided into sub-schema to realize the conversion of XML schema to relational schema. 为了解决XML文档数据量过大的难题,采用了子模式方式以分割中间结果。实现了将XML模式转换为关系模式的算法。
Linear motor uses a new type of driven technology which has been paid close attention in recent years, it convert electrical energy into mechanical energy directly without intermediate conversion components, so the size can be further reduced. 直线电机是近年来出现的一种新型驱动技术,它将电能直接转换为直线运动的机械能,不需要运动转换的中间机构,因此结构尺寸上能够进一步减小。
Linear drive device is an important part of machine tool, in many of linear drives and systems the intermediate conversion is used to change rotary motion into linear motion. 直线驱动装置是机床中的一个重要组成部分,许多直线驱动装置及系统都是采用旋转电动机通过中间转换装置转换为直线运动的。
Direct intermediate frequency sampling and hardware digital up/ down converter is utilized in the signal conversion module for the task of conversion between intermediate frequency analog signal and base band digital signal. 信号转换模块则使用了直接中频采样和硬件上/下变频技术等实现中频模拟信号到基带数字信号的转换任务。
In the first part, the band-pass sampling is introduced before everything, which is the theory foundation of intermediate frequency sampling. After that, the realization of digital frequency down conversion and main components used are discussed. 首先,介绍了中频采样的理论基础带通采样,讨论了数字下变频的实现方法,以及使用的主要元器件。